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News, Insights, and Stories

We gather news, insights, and stories about how cybersecurity is shaping up the world and helping businesses grow

March 22, 2024
August 18, 2023
3 mins

Centre For Cybersecurity Graduate Employment Report 2024: 89% Employed Within Twelve Months of Graduating

The Centre for Cybersecurity's 2024 Graduate Employment report demonstrates 89% of its batch of graduates secured employment within twelve months, highlighting the institution's promising start and the growing demand for cybersecurity professionals worldwide.
Featured Stories
March 8, 2024
August 18, 2023
3 mins

Meet Pethanakshi: Leading the Way for Women in Tech Through Inclusive Cybersecurity Communities

A. Pethanakshi, a Centre For Cybersecurity current student and community manager at Division Zero, organises events and initiatives to promote growth and engagement in the cybersecurity community. She advocates for more female representation in cybersecurity and believes in the power of initiatives like the Women in Cybersecurity Sessions (WICS) to empower women in tech.
Featured Stories
March 8, 2024
August 18, 2023
5 mins

Meet Ainul Mardhiyyah: The Voice for Diversity in Tech with AinLovesCode

Ainul Mardhiyyah, a 26-year-old Woman in Tech, content creator (@AinLovesCode), and diversity champion, shares insights on the gender gap in tech and cybersecurity, the challenges faced by women in these fields, the importance of diversity and representation, and advice for aspiring women in tech.
March 8, 2024
August 18, 2023
4 mins

Meet 21-Year-Old Loh Kar Wei: The ‘Little Genius’ Leading the Charge for Women in Tech as a Cyber Prodigy and Educator

We explore the journey of Loh Kar Wei, a 21-year-old cybersecurity trainer, highlighting the unique strengths women bring to the field. She discusses initiatives at the Centre For Cybersecurity that support women in cybersecurity and encourages aspiring women to pursue their goals confidently.
Featured Stories
March 1, 2024
August 18, 2023
4 mins

Cultural Crossover: Exploring Taylor Swift's Impact on Cybersecurity

In 2023, Taylor Swift's influence on cybersecurity was notable, with her fans demonstrating skills like problem-solving and online research that are valuable in the field. However, the use of predictable passwords based on Taylor Swift references poses security risks, and the Ticketmaster incident related to her tour highlighted the need for robust cybersecurity measures to prevent bot attacks and ticket scams.
Featured Stories
February 14, 2024
August 18, 2023
3 mins

Love, Lies, and Betrayal: Navigating Internet Love Scams in Singapore. How to Spot the Signs and Prevent Them.

Avoiding internet love scams in Singapore involves understanding how to detect deceitful behaviour and take steps to prevent falling victim to them. This brief overview provides tips on spotting warning signs and protecting oneself from potential deception in online relationships.
February 7, 2024
August 18, 2023
3 min

The Importance of Cyber Hygiene in Everyday Life: Building a Safe Digital Fort

In today's increasingly digital world, safeguarding our online environment is crucial. Just as good personal hygiene protects our physical health, cyber hygiene is essential for maintaining a secure digital presence. By adopting and practising a few fundamental steps, we can significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks and protect ourselves from potential harm.
Featured Stories
January 29, 2024
August 18, 2023
4 mins

Centre For Cybersecurity Forecast 2024 with CEO Ethan Seow and Head of Curriculum James Lim: 'This is the year of hacking humans'

Centre For Cybersecurity's 2024 Forecast, featuring co-founders Ethan Seow and James Lim, provides concise insights into the upcoming cybersecurity trends for the new year.
Featured Stories
August 18, 2023

4 Ways AI Will Impact Cybersecurity in 2024: Predictions from Google, Splunk, and more

Discover how AI is changing cybersecurity in 2024. Experts from Fortinet, Google, Gartner, and Splunk say AI is the big trend.
Featured Stories
December 21, 2023
August 18, 2023
3 mins

From Chendol to Cybersecurity: Kyle's Journey to Success

Meet Kyle, a 28-year-old Level 1 SOC Analyst at Evvolabs, whose unconventional career transition from selling chendol at Tekka market to cybersecurity exemplifies the transformative power of determination and the right education.
November 7, 2023
August 18, 2023
4 min

Understanding the Role of AI in Cybersecurity for Your Digital Security

Discover the definition, advantages, and disadvantages of AI in cybersecurity, and learn practical strategies for implementing AI to improve digital security.
August 18, 2023
7 min

Importance of Cybersecurity Profession: Expertise and Career Advantages

Looking to build a rewarding career? Delve into the importance of the cybersecurity profession and gain valuable insights into its expertise and career advantages.

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